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  • Q3 2020 in Review: Google Updates

    Google didn’t release many updates this quarter and spent more time fixing technical bugs from mid-September to early October. The industry initially thought the bugs were an update as rankings fluctuated. However, it turned out to be an indexing issue regarding canonical tagging where Google’s system couldn’t differentiate between duplicate content.
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  • Google’s Antitrust Hearing

    The Justice Department required Google to submit an official response to the presiding judge regarding the lawsuit by mid-December. It’s expected the summary will include Google’s POV of what a search engine is and that the search landscape is far more diverse than the monopoly allegations state. They’re expected to use Amazon and Facebook as examples, while also requesting to see 16 months worth of data the government collected on the search giant.
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  • Google’s Antitrust Case

    The suit against Google pertains to its growing influence in and monopoly of the search industry and how its business practices are hindering marketplace competition. The U.S. government is concerned about the exclusivity agreements it formed with companies like LG and Apple, whom it paid the latter an estimated eight to $12 billion to become the default search engine on iOS devices. 
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  • Will Digital Marketing Recover in 2021?

    Despite slashed marketing budgets, advertising needs have also dwindled reducing the costs of paid ads making it an optimal time to invest. As reliance on automated marketing processes increases, companies will continue to optimize their existing assets headed into 2021. This process allows companies to better manage smaller budgets while maximizing the use of their digital assets. 
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  • What the Heck Happened to Digital Marketing in 2020?!

    The U.S. economy started 2020 on a high note, with an eighth consecutive year of increasing growth. Most companies expected a downturn of some sort to occur, yet were prepared to spend an estimated $800 billion on marketing in 2020 according to a study from Forrester. Marketers were aiming to spend more on content and influencer marketing until the emergence of COVID-19 stalled those efforts.
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  • Google announces changes: is this the end of AMP?

    Google announces changes: is this the end of AMP?

    Google pushed AMP since 2015 - but now more non-AMP search results and the new ranking factor page experience could mean the end for AMP.
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  • October 2020 Winners & Losers

    As the 2020 holiday season approaches, Amazon continues its reign over ecommerce. Google is aiming to compete in ecommerce queries with more free listings in SERPs and new schema markups for shipping. Amazon is expected to maintain its No. 1 spot, but a battle is brewing for the No. 2 spot between Walmart and Ebay.
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  • EN Baidu Blog Feat Image

    Analyzing Baidu-SEO Ranking Factors for the Largest Chinese Search Engine

    A complete analysis of Baidu organic rankings reveals what SEOs need to pay attention and what is just a myth. Find out more!
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  • Building SEO Feedback Loops

    Creating an SEO feedback loop is a vital process for learning your business, setting a strategy, implementing it, evaluating and knowing when to pivot. Understanding the context of your data and knowing how to communicate successes and needed improvements are critical to keeping SEO efforts from being siloed.
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  • How to Evaluate SEO Campaign Success

    Although it’s tempting to just evaluate certain parts of your data, you need to evaluate data from all sources to gain a complete picture of your strategy’s performance. This includes segmenting and examining all sources from desktop and mobile data sources. Monthly evaluations of your SEO campaign can clearly illustrate its time to maturity and provide a detailed timeline for evaluation from other departments and higher ups.
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