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Searchmetrics is Evolving: Introducing our New Brand Identity

A lot has happened since 2005, when Marcus Tober first launched the digital agency that would go on to become Searchmetrics. We’re proud of the journey we’ve taken to get here, and of our position as a global provider of enterprise-grade SEO software and expertise. But one thing we’ve learned over the last 15 years is that you can’t stand still. Searchmetrics has been constantly evolving and driving innovation in the search engine optimization industry and, more recently, using the power of search data to disrupt established fields like content marketing. That’s why today we’re delighted to introduce our new brand identity – one that reflects the company that Searchmetrics has become and that equips us for the next stage of this exciting journey.

Check out our new homepage!

A New Identity for New Challenges

Our new brand identity has been developed to emphasize the central role that our customers play in everything we do. Customers and their needs drive our commitment to developing software that solves their problems and to providing consultancy that supports the growth of their business.

As machines become more powerful, we have to keep asking how we can use this power to benefit clients. Technological advances make it possible to do almost anything, but what should we do to provide genuine value and to stay true to our guiding principles?

Our answer is to focus on connections. What connects us to our clients and what connects our clients to their audiences? Exploring these connections through data means going beyond SEO and finding synergies that increase our understanding of markets. With this insight, we will strive to simplify digital commerce for the world’s smartest marketers, with search data so integral to success that every business makes it core to their decision-making process. That is our vision for Searchmetrics.

“Simplifying digital commerce for the world’s smartest marketers, with search data so integral to success that every business makes it core to their decision-making process.” – The Searchmetrics vision.

Welcome to

A central element of our new identity is our new website. You’ll still find us at, but we’ve rebuilt the homepage from the ground up, placing the focus squarely on our customers and what we can do for you. You can take a look at our new product pages and the new home of our Digital Strategies Group, with our knowledge base and other directories to be overhauled in the near future.


The Searchmetrics Brand Manifesto

Identities are driven by feelings, convictions and emotions. Our brand manifesto helps communicate these feelings and establishes for ourselves and our customers what Searchmetrics stands for, where our passion comes from, and where we believe it can take us.

Our brand manifesto captures our ambition of forging connections – be it connecting questions to answers or markets to consumers. We want to make this possible. And with our data, we can.


The Searchmetrics Logo

A new brand identity wouldn’t be complete without a new logo. So of course, part of today’s announcement is the launch of our new logo. The abstract representation of two hands alludes to the importance of connections, while the central jewel can be understood as the data that is at the heart of our products, and also interpreted as an eye – with the power of insight in your hands, anything is possible. And with any well considered logo, there’s more than one interpretation of its design. You’ll note that our new logo is also a cube, a nod to the data that is so central to every solution we offer to the market, and if you look carefully you can see the Searchmetrics ‘S’.


What does the new Searchmetrics mean for you?

Our new identity doesn’t mean it’s all change. This is more about bringing our outward communication up to speed and aligning it with an approach that has long been established within Searchmetrics. Now, it should be easier for us to connect with our customers because our external image and messaging are a truer reflection of who we are, how we work and what the core values are that motivate us to deliver value for our clients.

doug-bell“The best brands evolve over time and it’s time for Searchmetrics to evolve as we embrace a bigger mission and purpose” – Doug Bell, CMO, Searchmetrics

On a practical note, one change that the new identity brings is that we’ve updated our logos, so do make sure to download the latest materials in our press room.

Branding on the Searchmetrics Blog

Attentive readers will have noticed that the Searchmetrics blog hasn’t been given the same overhaul as There is good reason for this. As your SEO consultants will tell you, relaunching two websites on the same day is not always such a great idea, but obviously this blog is a big part of our brand and it will be getting the attention it deserves in the near future. And don’t worry, we’re not having a content freeze – we’re looking forward to continuing our relationship with our customers and the wider SEO and online marketing community.

What’s next?

Besides rolling out the identity across our platforms, we’re done. Many thanks to the design agency, New Now, who did such great work capturing the essence of Searchmetrics and building an identity that accurately reflects who we are and where we want to be. The rest is up to us. It’s our job now and in the future to make sure we live up to our stated ambition, that we stay true to the goals of our manifesto and that we do everything we can to make our vision become reality.


Check out our new homepage!