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Core Web Vitals Study Review


Episode Overview:

Benjamin Shapiro and Searchmetrics’ Founder and Chief Evangelist Marcus Tober discuss the recent Study conducted investigate the impact of Core Web Vitals on website ranking, the current winners and losers and what developers need to do to meeting the standards to get good scores for Google’s new Page Experience Ranking Factors.

Drawing on research findings Marcus explains why website owners need to take note and focus on creating better experiences for their users, and which other metrics need to be consider that could influence UX.

Want to read the Core Web Vitals Study? You can download it here!

Marcus Tober

Marcus Tober

My name is Marcus Tober and I’m the founder of Searchmetrics. Because we really love to analyze all kinds of online data, we can give you more insights than any other company in SEO, SEM and Social Media. It’s not a job, it’s passion.

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