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What is the Impact of Mobile-Only Indexing on Your Business?


Episode Overview:

Join host Ben as he continues Mobile Indexing Week with Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist and Advisor to Searchmetrics. Together they discuss the impact of mobile-only indexing could have on your business.  

They continue their conversation mobile-only indexing and Google’s focus on the small screen. Although Google is prioritizing mobile, they will still focus on crawling for desktop. Jordan dives into how Google has been preparing webmasters and SEOs for the last five years. While their initiative is not new, businesses have had the chance to prepare.

Next, they dive into what companies should do in order to prepare for the shift to mobile. Companies that don’t prioritize this update will be left behind and their rankings lost. Ensuring your website is updated for mobile is crucial to secure your rankings. Web sites that are not mobile-friendly will suffer in search queries. Your ability to be successful is null.

Jordan dives into the unknown opportunities of mobile-only indexing. The first trend to watch is the possibility of deprioritizing long-form content. As brands begin to optimize for mobile, they will reduce the need for unnecessary content. As mobile evolves, it’s important for brands to be conscious of the type of content they are producing for their content strategy.

Jordan Koene

Jordan Koene

Previously the CEO of Searchmetrics Inc, Jordan Koene is an Advisor to Searchmetrics, supporting the thought leadership and innovation. Prior to working at Searchmetrics he was the Head of SEO and Content Development at eBay where he led the development of content and technical improvements for the organization. He is an expert in SEO with over 20 year’ experience in the field.

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