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Optimizing How-to Content


Episode Overview:

In the final episode of how-to week, Boris Wartenberg, SEO specialist at Searchmetrics, rejoins Ben to wrap up their conversation about the subtleties of crafting how-to content. After coming up with how-to content, how can you make sure it keeps performing? Boris shares insights on when and how to update how-to content.

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Boris Wartenberg

Boris Wartenberg

Boris Wartenberg is an SEO specialist at Searchmetrics responsible for technical and content-related search engine optimization. He has worked in online marketing since 2006 after completing his studies in marketing with a focus on sports and sponsorship. Having worked in content marketing and search engine optimization both agency and client side, Boris has overseen performance marketing for B2B and B2C clients, held several positions as an in-house SEO as well as having worked with well-known international clients such as Mercedes-Benz and Roche Pharma. He has evolved from a generalist into a specialist and is very passionate about all things SEO.

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