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Google Attack On Spammy Verticales


Episode Overview:

Ben Shapiro and Jordan Koene, SEO strategist and advisor to Searchmetrics continue the conversation about the latest updates in search. Today, Ben and Jordan sit down to have a chat about Google’s attack on spammy verticals to ensure content quality prevails.

Do you want to know how Google calculates ranking factors and how changes affect search results? Learn more in our blog article about the Lightweights and the Heavyweights.

Jordan Koene

Jordan Koene

Previously the CEO of Searchmetrics Inc, Jordan Koene is an Advisor to Searchmetrics, supporting the thought leadership and innovation. Prior to working at Searchmetrics he was the Head of SEO and Content Development at eBay where he led the development of content and technical improvements for the organization. He is an expert in SEO with over 20 year’ experience in the field.

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