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eComm Study: Sporting Goods, Furniture, DYI


Episode Overview:

Welcome to eCommerce SEO week of the Voices of Search Podcast with Patty Johnson, senior content marketing manager at Searchmetrics. Patty and Ben review key takeaways from Searchmetrics’ latest eCommerce study. Today, they take a look at how spending more time home reflects on online shopping behaviors and the rising industries from sporting goods to furniture and DYI.

Interested in more insights on consumer behavior and search intent? Uncover which brands, across seven key eCommerce sectors, are winning in the rankings on and have the biggest market share in 2021. Read our US eCommerce Market Analysis 2021.

Patty Johnson

Patty Johnson

Patty Johnson has 10 years of experience managing content marketing programs for agencies and corporate brands. As Searchmetrics' senior content marketing manager for the U.S. region, she oversees an expansive content program geared at educating digital marketers on the importance of search, ensuring long-time SEOs have access to the latest resources, and elevating the value of data from search to solve unique business needs.

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