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Core Web Vitals Week Pt. 1


Episode Overview:

Join host Ben as he kicks off Core Web Vitals week with Searchmetrics’ Senior SEO Strategist Kathy Brown and Senior SEO Strategist Karl Kleinschmidt to talk about everything you need to know about Core Web Vitals. They discuss why you should make the case for Core Web Vitals.

One of Google’s most anticipated algorithm update is set to roll out this May. The new ranking factor will be a collection of metrics that will affect your site. The three metrics are LCP (Largest Contentful Paint), FID (First Input Delay), and CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift).

As Google continues to improve mobile web performance, it’s important to plan and prepare for making the best experience possible for the user. While focusing on SEO is important, a pleasing page experience is beneficial for all.




Kathy Brown

Kathy Brown

Senior SEO Manager, Searchmetrics Kathy Brown has over a decade of experience in Technical SEO, working with large enterprises, growing B2Bs and global eCommerce brands to improve their online visibility. At Searchmetrics Kathy partners with our largest clients, working directly with Senior Marketing and Product Managers to grow their revenue by increasing organic traffic.

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