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Google announces the September 2022 Core Update

Having just finished the rollout of the Helpful Content Update, the next algorithm update is already underway.

Google announced the September 2022 Core Update via its Twitter account on September 12, 2022. It is expected to be fully rolled out within the next two weeks.

Update: According to Google, the rollout of the September 2022 Core Update was completed on September 26.

After the May 2022 Core Update, this is the second Core Update of 2022 and is expected to result in major ranking changes.

“Although the Helpful Content Update did not impact most sites, it could be the case with the Google Core Update that is currently rolling out. If you have other quality issues as well as unhelpful content, the combination may be enough to cause a loss of traffic.”

Kathy Brown, Contract Senior SEO Manager, Searchmetrics

However, the results of the rollout will take some time. In the next two weeks, there may be positive and negative fluctuations in SEO Visibility and rankings. It is therefore recommended to check whether and how strongly your website is affected only after the completion of the core update, and then implement the appropriate measures.

Do you need support handling the impact of Google updates correctly, adjusting your strategy, or interpreting data? Just contact us using the following link and we will discuss your individual solution together.

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