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  • SEO Battles: SEO Vs AdWords

    Paid keywords grant more control of where your ads are placed, the spend per click and the overall message compared to organic SEO. It helps your brand to appear on pages you might not be able to organically rank for. As you start marketing for a brand or service, use SEM to test what placements are effective and identify which keywords actually convert for you. Once identified you can begin to build SEO strategies around them.
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  • SEO Battles: SEO Vs Brand

    SEO can be used as a brand marketing channel to push optimized content introducing a brand for people searching for topics in a search bar. Optimizing brand awareness for SEO increases the chances of being listed in the answer box and knowledge graphs, which is key to obtaining consumers who rarely click through content.
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  • SEO Battles: SEO Vs Facebook

    SEO searches are considered active endeavors compared to paid social which is typically encountered while passively browsing the Internet. Effectively applying paid social strategies require knowing who your target audience is so you can place the right ad in front of the right people. SEO’s benefit is revealing search intent in users, whether they’re in browse or buy mode, whereas social intent isn’t always clear.
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  • Managing & Scaling Outsourced Content Production

    Maintaining quality is essential in the scaling process. Tasking an in-house editor to review outsourced content is critical as they can spot content issues quickly. They can identify when copy is not up to par or see when a writer’s creativity levels are dropping and re-assign different topics based on writer strength.
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  • Finding the Right Writers for Your Content Production Efforts

    Before you even approach a writer for a project a clear, thorough project outline is needed. This ensures the writer is equipped with the necessary resources to complete your project and that they’re in line with your goals. Providing examples of content you like and don’t like is an efficient way to present the tone you want your writer to adopt. 
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  • Deciding What Part of Your Content Production to Outsource

    Outsourcing is a great way to get fresh new voices to write your content and alleviate pressure from in-house writers who are experiencing fatigue from singular topics. Textbroker and Upwork are great sources to find content producers for your platform. It’s best to maintain a continuous relationship with creators as they get adjusted to your brand voice and tone.
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  • SEO vs PPC: Partners in Crime

    PPC tools are invaluable in SEO research as it's a source to identify strong keywords, what anchor text and title tags your competitors are using, and much more. SEO can benefit PPC efforts by improving ad scores through basic methods like improving your website speed, optimizing for mobile or using eye-catching copy.
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  • SEO vs PPC: Pros & Cons

    SEO and PPC both have value in digital marketing campaigns and can address consumers at various levels in the marketing funnel. The leading benefit for SEO is it’s a budget friendly endeavor that pays off in the long run, generating long-term benefits once applied. One of the cons of SEO is the lead time to gaining long-term benefit takes much longer than PPC.
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  • Optimizing for Holiday SEO Success

    Performing regular website crawls is critical in your holiday optimization efforts. Namely, monitoring the URLs of core product and sales pages you’re aiming to win on during the holidays. If you’re working on a weekly ranking process, running daily crawls for particular keywords can help you identify issues early and indicate what updates need implementation.
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  • Executing Your Holiday Strategies

    There is an element to uncertainty this year as major corporations and big-box sellers are unsure how consumers will engage in holiday shopping this year. One method of success is to get top-of-funnel content in front of consumers early, which primes your main execution strategy for success. Starting advertising earlier than normal will likely be the trend for many companies.
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