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Q3 2020 in Review: Technical SEO Changes


Episode Overview:

Join host Ben as he continues his 2020 Q3 in-review discussion with Searchmetrics’ Senior SEO Manager Kathy Brown and VP of Services Tyson Stockton. Together they take a look at the technical changes that occurred throughout the quarter.

Google’s upcoming web vitals will focus on all aspects of page speed including the entire holistic page experience. How fast page elements load and how stable they remain when interacting with other parts of the page will play a significant role in Google’s new ranking criteria. A site that successfully manages the intricacies of all its interactive features and parts are poised to receive a high ranking from Google.

Google is also implementing more ecommerce elements to compete with Amazon, namely with shipping details. The search giant is altering the offer schema, which is part of the product schema, to specify shipping rates and projected delivery time upfront. Providing shipping rates upfront are designed to improve the overall product experience while also taking a competitive step in offering a smoother, faster ecommerce experience.

Tyson Stockton

Tyson Stockton

Tyson has over 10 years' experience in the digital marketing industry. As Vice President of Client and Account Management, Tyson manages the Enterprise Client Success team and SEO Consulting efforts at Searchmetrics. Tyson has worked with some of world’s largest enterprise websites including Fortune 500 and global eCommerce leaders. Prior to Searchmetrics, Tyson worked on the in-house side managing the SEO and SEM efforts of a collection of 14 sports specialty eCommerce companies in the US, Europe and Australia.

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