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Open for business – the Searchmetrics Affiliate Program

At Searchmetrics, we have always enjoyed sharing our success with others. Up until now, we have had to limit this to our network of professional partners. However, effective immediately, any publisher (especially those from the areas of SEO, AdSense, AdWords and online marketing) can earn money by promoting Searchmetrics Essentials.

Our Affiliate Program is supported by Commission Junction and offers commissions of between $50 and $500 according to the value of individual sales.

Sounds good? It’s also easy to do. Just register with Commission Junction, select a banner and place it on your website to begin earning commissions. Searchmetrics pays publishers individually for each finalized sale.

Commission Junction ( is the leading worldwide provider of affiliate marketing with a major international presence. After launching in Germany, France and the USA, we will continue to expand the Searchmetrics Affiliate Program to a total of 15 countries. Commission Junction is also very active in the software industry and has a highly developed and far-reaching network of users and partners. Many online marketing publishers are already signed up with Commission Junction.

Here is an overview of our attractive commission rates:
Sales of $89 or more – $50 commission

Sales of $150 or more – $75 commission

Sales of $249 or more – $100 commission

Sales of $890 or more – $300 commission

Sales of $1,800 or more – $400 commission

Sales of $2,500 or more – $500 commission

Become a publisher now and sign up for the Searchmetrics Affiliate Program!